Anti-reverse gear and anti-reverse device design, back run stop.
Back flow protection.
Clear and bright mechanical odometer display
Precision measurement and stable performance.
Design and manufactured according to OIML R137:2012
Tamper proofing
When the gas flows through, different pressures are produced in the four gas chambers of the gas meter, which makes the diaphragm in reciprocating motion/advance and return movement.
Through a series of drive mechanisms, the metered volume value is transmitted to the counter. The gas consumption is displayed via the counter, so as to achieve the gas metering function.
Four measuring chambers are separated by synthetic diaphragms. The chambers are filled and emptied periodically, and the movement of the diaphragms is transferred via a gear to the crankshaft.
This shaft moves the valves, which control the gas flow. The rotations of the gear are transferred via a shaft to the index.